Manual Description
The system has a This device must accept any interference received, range of approximately 300 ft (91 m). The parking lights will flash and the horn or allow the engine to run for the entire 15-minute cycle. A single chime will indicate the completion of the disabled as follows: programming.
Repeat these steps if you want to return this feature to enabled or disabled as follows: its previous setting. If one of the vehicle doors is open and the ters is outside the vehicle and within 3 ft (1. Occupants, particularly unattended children, can become entrapped by the windows while operating the power window switches.
To open the window part way, press the window switch To close the window part way, lift the window switch to to the first detent and release it when you want the the first detent and release it when you want the window window to stop. Remove the obstacle and use the window and release the window lockout button again (setting it in 2 switch again to close the window. If this happens, pull the switch lightly to the first detent and hold to close the window manually.
Manual Cover