Manual Description
At the same time, the days remaining until the next service interval are displayed. In vehicles equipped with the information display, you can call up this display in the Settings menu » page 15. The arrow points up or down, depending on whether you should shift into a higher or lower gear.
This chapter contains information on the following subjects: Select the display that you wish to change with the button 5 and carry out the change with the button 6. If the outdoor temperature is below +4 °C, the temperature display appears with the snowflake symbol (ice warning). This display flashes for a few seconds, then shows the most recently displayed function1).
This opens the individual functions of the multifunction display one after the other. After erasing the memory, no value appears the oil temperature is present, only - -. Once the fuel gauge pointer reaches the Adjust the speed limit while the vehicle is stationary reserve marking, the range is displayed in 5 km.
Manual Cover